Publications - Asako Matsumoto



Matsumoto, A. K., F. Iwase, Y. Imahara, H. Namikawa. (2007). Bathymetric distribution and biodiversity of deep-water octocorals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) in Sagami Bay and adjacent waters of Japan . In. George, Robert Y. and Cairns S. (eds), Conservation and Adaptive Management of Seamount and Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.pp231-251.


Matsumoto, A. K. (2007). Effects of low water temperature on growth and magnesium carbonate concentrations in deep-water gorgonians (Primnoa pacifica) in the North-West Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science, 81(3): 423-435.


Matsumoto, A.K. (2007) Cold-water coral reef. In Imahara, Y. (ed.), Secret of Corals and Sea anemones. Natural History museum of Wakayama prefecture special exhibition No. 25 guide. p.46 (in Japanese)


Iwase, F. and A. K. Matsumoto (2006) Preliminary list on gorgonian octocorals collected by the natural history research of the Sagami Bay.(in Japanese with English Abstract) . Memoirs of the National Science Museum. Tokyo, (40), Pp. 79-89.


Matsumoto, A. K. (2006). Gorgonian corals as a calcium - carbonate producer in cold waters. Ph.D. thesis dissertation, University of Tokyo, Japan.


Matsumoto, A. K. (2005). Recent Observations on the Distribution of Deep-sea Coral Communities on the Shiribeshi Seamount, Sea of Japan. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds), 2005, Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 345-356 .


Matsumoto, A. K. (2004). Heterogeneous and compensatory growth in Melithaea flabellifera (Octocorallia: Melithaeidae) in Japan. Hydrobiologia 530/531: 389-397. D.G. Fautin, J.A. Westfall, P. Cartwright, M. Daly & C.R. Wyttenbach (eds), Coelenterate Biology 2003: Trends in Research on Cnidaria and Ctenophora.


Raffaelli, et al. Matsumoto, A. K. (2003) The ups and downs of Benthic ecology. Considerations of scale, heterogeneity and surveillance for Benthic-pelagic coupling. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 285-286 (2003) 191-203.


Matsumoto, A. K. (1997) Growth and Reproduction of Melithaea flabellifera. M.Sc. Thesis of Ochanomizu University (in Japanese) .


Matsumoto, A. (1996) Japanese sea fan Melithaea flabellifera (Coelenterata: Anthozoa, Octocorallia) is ovoviviparous. Zoological Science Vol.13 Supplement December 1996.  Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan. September 18 to 20, 1996 Sapporo. p.56 .